Utility Super kits are an HD upgrade to the automatic super kits. The Utility Automatic Transmission Super Kits contain gaskets, seals, sealing rings, o-rings, Lip seals, steel and friction lined clutch plates (including powerpack upgrades when necessary). They also include filter, high energy front band, popular bushings and modulator (when applicable).
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HD Super Kit - Dodge 48RE Transmission 2003-07 diesel/V10 HD Super Kit - Dodge/Jeep A518/46RE Transmission 1998-up (V8 gas) HD Super Kit - Dodge A518/A618 Transmission 1989-97
HD Super Kit - Dodge 48RE Transmission 2003-07 diesel/V10
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $756.70
Your Cost $430.00
Savings: $326.70
Free Shipping
HD Super Kit - Dodge/Jeep A518/46RE Transmission 1998-up (V8 gas)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $475.89
Your Cost $256.00
Savings: $219.89
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HD Super Kit - Dodge A518/A618 Transmission 1989-97
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $411.45
Your Cost $220.00
Savings: $191.45
Free Shipping
One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission overhaul kits for Dodge 48RE transmission behind cummins deiesel and V10 gas engine from 2003-07. This is the very popular utility Super Kit. Includes all of the common wear parts required for a rebuild... One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission overhaul kits for Dodge TFOD transmission behind V8 gas engine from 1998-up. This is the very popular utility Super Kit. Includes all of the common wear parts required for a rebuild... One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission overhaul kits for Dodge TFOD transmission from 1989-97. This is the very popular utility Super Kit. Includes all of the common wear parts required for a rebuild...
HD Super Kit - Dodge A618/47RE Transmission 1998-2003 diesel/V10 HD Super Kit for 1971-up Mopar 727 Transmission - TF8 HD Super Kit for 1962-65 Chrysler 727 Trans
HD Super Kit - Dodge A618/47RE Transmission 1998-2003 diesel/V10
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $551.15
Your Cost $290.00
Savings: $261.15
Free Shipping
HD Super Kit for 1971-up Mopar 727 Transmission - TF8
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $260.12
Your Cost $134.00
Savings: $126.12
Free Shipping
HD Super Kit for 1962-65 Chrysler 727 Trans
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $342.95
Your Cost $178.00
Savings: $164.95
Free Shipping
One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission overhaul kits for Dodge TFOD transmission behind cummins deiesel and V10 gas engine from 1998-2003. This is the very popular utility Super Kit. Includes all of the common wear parts required for a rebuild... One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission super overhaul kits for a 1971-up TF727 transmission. The very popular UT Super Kit includes all of the common wear items required for this rebuild... One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission super overhaul kits. This is the very popular utility Super Kit for a 1962-65 Chrysler TF727 transmission. It includes all of the common wear items and upgrades needed for the rebuild...
HD Super Kit for 1966-70 Chrysler A727 Transmission - TF8
HD Super Kit for 1966-70 Chrysler A727 Transmission - TF8
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days
List Price: $351.24
Your Cost $184.00
Savings: $167.24
Free Shipping
One of our custom TEC brand Automatic transmission super overhaul kits. This is the very popular utility Super Kit for a 1966-1970 Chrysler TF727 transmission. It includes all of the common wear items and upgrades needed for the rebuild...